Steven Hicks

Full Stack Web Developer


Servlets and JSP Tomcat Springboot JPA/Hibernate Streams & Functional Interfaces/Lambdas
kotlin  Kotlin
JQuery React
Play Framework
Version 3^ Beautiful Soup Selenium


  • History Major turned Software Developer.
  • Like to play guitars
  • Music
  • Photography w/ Nikon D780.
  • Drone Enthusiast
  • Diablo 2, Killing Floor 2, Battlefield, Fallout4/NV, AoE2, DeusEx
  • Traveling...when i can
  • some spanish

Currently residing in Chicago. consider myself knowledgeable both in the front-end as well as back-end. Study interests of late include Kotlin, Spring Boot, and Concurrency.


Intellij IDEA Git Postgres MySql Atlassian Products(Jira, BitBucket, Confluence) Jenkins CDI

Web Projects

Guitar Pal

A helpful set of tools for guitar players guitarPal

Link:   Uses:  


A Spring Boot and Kotlin backend, React front end app showcases my amateur photography. photoSite

Link:     Uses:   kotlin

Steve FM

Check out my Last.FM music scrobbling profile. Built with React using the Last FM API.

Link:   Uses:  

Steve's Reviews

Application using Scala and the Play Framework for leaving reviews on music albums.

Link:   Uses:  

My Original Website

My first resume website. A playground for trying out various java related technologies and javascript libraries. Also a dummy web store to purchase albums.

Link:   Uses:  

National Parks Tool

A helpful way to see all the items under the National Parks Service. Build with react frontend using Leaflet, and node express backend.

Link:   Uses:  

Recipe Book

A react collaboration with my brother for Digital Ocean's 2019 Hacktoberfest. Search for recipes by keywords. recipeBook

Link:   Uses:  


A page demoing problems and solutions. Built with React.


Non Web Projects

Music File Re-namer

Python script to Rename music files in formated of Track# - TrackTitle For example, 02 - Start Me Up.mp3 It uses the metatags for this. They must be present. Use Mp3Tag program if need be. It will automatically pad numbers less than 10 with a leading 0.

MetaCritic New Album Releases

Python script to fetch new music releases from the Meta Critic website. A text file is populated and checked against on every call to only bring in new info. A log file is also included. Need to know the SMTP info of the email to be sending from.

Stupid Deal of the Day

Python script to fetch the Musician's Friend 'Stupid Deal of the Day', and send a simple email with the item, old price, and new price, as well as a link. Need to know the SMTP info of the email to be sending from.

Bing Image of the Day Downloader

Python script to download the Image of the Day pictures. This script relies on selenium, so download the selenium chrome driver to run. Config file requires the location of the chromedriver, and a location to save the images to.

Rename File

Python file to rename batches of files. Command line program can move around file directory, and when the current path is selected, user is prompted to enter 2 arguments, the text to be replaced, and the text to replace it. A * can be used to retain the text to be replaced and use it in the replacing text.

Trim File

A python script to trim pieces out of file names. Command line program takes a list of comma separated arguments to be trimmed from the file names in a directory. Optional flags to remove periods between words, to make the filename title case, and to remove the dashes between words.

Setlist FM API Wrapper data Java API wrapper. Used to query artists, venues, cities, and just about any data available on the website.

Last FM API Wrapper data Java API wrapper. Very lightweight, only used for searching for Artists and searching for Albums. Can search on a few different fields, like album name, artist name, mbid(music brainz id), limit to return and page number. The artist and album class each have nested classes for various items about them, for example, images, tracks, bio, etc.